We recently had Grant Bull from Avantiplus, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia send us this doozie of a repair.
Here's how it went down...
Customer comes in with a wonky "Big Box" bike wheel and says...
“Can you drop a couple of ball bearings into this wheel for me.......”
- Customer, one ride away from a face plant
Looks like the following had happened:
- Wheel comes loose...... ignore it.
- Bearings fall out........... ignore it.
- Hub wears its way through axle spindle..ignore it.
- Hub starts to wear through Q/R skewer..better see if the bike shop knows why it's noisy and hard to ride and steer?
It had about one more trip left before it parted company with the cycle. Lesson? Tighten those loose bearings (5c each) before it costs you $75.00 for a new wheel.

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