Here are BikeRoar's favorite cycling related social media posts / tweets / pins (and whatever it is you do on Google+) for the week that's been.
1. It's great to see that Skylar Grey and Eminem want to ride a bicycle. Fun bike related music video (may not be suitable for viewing at work).

2. Tweet of the week. Yes I find Pat McQuade a bit prickly aswell, I think @inrng hit the nail on the head with this tweet.
3. This is the winner for the most shared / posted item. I have seen it on lots of the cycling pages and it has the most comment and shares for the week.
4. BikeRoar's most popular post of the week (I was a bit surprised).
5. Below are the best bike photos of the week found on Apres Velo, Bikes & More, Drunk Cyclist & What Mountain Bike's pages.
Let us know what your favorites were!