

  • Age: 41 years
  • Gender: Unspecified
  • Location: AU
  • How long have you been riding? couple of years
  • Bikes Owned Rocky Mountain MTB; Specialized Amira Elite 2012
  • Favorite Bikes: Unspecified

Items for sale

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Product Reviews

  • S4

    Specialized Amira Elite Compact (2012)

    Added over 11 years ago

    It was discounted by 1000 dollars at a shop nearby so I bought it a few weeks ago. Great bike, it looks great and very comfortable to ride long distances. The original seat is good quality, I didn't have...

Bike Shop Reviews

  • Screen shot 2013 03 06 at 9.26.42 pm


    Added over 11 years ago

    As soon as I walked into the store, I knew I'd be coming back to this store again next time I visit Chicago. It had a great feel about the place, great showroom and the staff just made me feel comfortable. It's the ...

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