
Img 3124


  • Age: 38 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Australia
  • How long have you been riding? Unspecified
  • Bikes Owned Unspecified
  • Favorite Bikes: Unspecified

Articles / Tips

  • Cycling movovation 1

    Help the world - on your bike!

    Posted by Sharon Greenstreet | about over 11 years ago

    As if there aren't already enough reasons for you to buy, borrow or hire a bike and get out and give it a go... How about the ability to help make a difference and contribute to a good ...

  • Istock 000019656954xsmall

    BikeRoar's 10 Everyday Essentials for Cyclists

    Posted by Sharon Greenstreet | about almost 12 years ago

    BikeRoar's 10 everyday item every cyclist must have.

  • Img 3124

    This is Why I Ride

    Posted by Sharon Greenstreet | about about 12 years ago

    BikeRoar's local Mountain Biking nut's reasons behind why she loves riding and what attracted her to it in the first place.

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